Thursday, September 4, 2014

Is Russia winning Ukraine too?

For better or worse lovers or haters friends or foes or the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin and Russia, it looks like that similar to what happened in Georgia few years ago, this time too Russia will reassert itself its traditional influence over a divided and not at all politically coherent Ukraine strongly supported and funded by NATO and the US, where just because of a clear lack of a consolidated and unified European position against Russia, the White House even with all the military and economic might and weight can't just simply go it alone to literally destroy Russia even if it so deeply desires to. Huge and massive anti Russian propaganda notwithstanding, all Europe knows that it has to cope and live a love and hate relationship with Russia dependent strongly on Russian gas. And there's no a coherent strategy in the long term for Ukraine to survive as a stable government with Mr Poroshenko on the lead. Why if so the sanctions hadn't been targeted the most important energy Russian companies? Simply because if there's no Russian gas for Europe hardly would there be a substitute from other sources to cover that amount of gas from Russia. And Europe specially Germany and France but also Italy deep down know this so that's why presumably Mr Putin has decided to go all the way and play high stakes on pro Russia rebels in Eastern Ukraine recently no matter the sanctions. So if Russia retain Ukraine this time, Eurasia will be forever for Russia at least in the medium term.
