Friday, July 4, 2014

Russia, Iraq and the ISIS

With the selling of Sukhois and jets by the Russian government to the administration of Al Maliki in Iraq, its clear that the Kremlin has considerable interests in Iraq, having as a strategic goal to stop ISIS sunni ideology aggresive advance and expansion, which could attract chechen yihadists and open a new front in chechen insurgency against Kremlin. And one more thing is the longstanding enmity between Moscow and Riyadh, the latter supporting ISIS logistically speaking. Many russian oil and gs companies have major stakes and shares in oilfields in Iraq, such as LUKOIL (West Qurna field) and ROSNEFT, along with those from China, such as CNPC, from where can be taken this intention from the russian state to help the Iraqi government in trying to stabilize the situation in the country. Of course, the ISIS surging is another example of the sunni/shia fault line, and this can be the a perfect scenario where Russia can assert itself as a decisive player in the Middle East affair, but let's not forget that there are players such as China that have many other interests as well in the Iraq standoff. So the most important goal for Russia could be to contain Saudi Arabia, expanding its energy influence, lessening Washington´s position in the region, having in mind its very own islamic extremism in Chechnya and Daguestan. Let´s see what the outcomes will be. Will the Kurdistan be in the best russian interests? What about if Iraq at the end will end up as three nations? What can Russia do about it? It´s just a matter of time.

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