Moldova: next in the battlefield between Russia and Washington/Brussels
Now on to one of the smallest state in Europe: Moldova. Next scenario of a fierce fight between Moscow and Brussels/Washington. Mr Kerry stopped there for less than a day to promise help and support for the moldovan government to access the EU, and for an important reason: to stop russian intentions of involving it into the eurasanian bloc. Moldova might not be as relevant as could be ukraine, armenia, georgia, but its another buffer zone, that needs to be taken to try to stop the furious and fast advance of Russia in Europe, almost completely at the mercy of natural gas supplies from russian fields. At least, Moldovan government said yes and approved Kerry´s visit, but thats one thing and another different thing is concrete steps and actions. Moldova depends almost entirely on natural gas supplies from its eastern neighbor, as well as for its main source for revenues, which is wine exports, first destination, russian market. So, put in some sense like Kaplan´s revenge of geography, contiguity and proximity always will prevail when it comes with eastern european countries dealing with this issue thats deciding between being a european citizen or be benefited by russian markets and gas supplies. Lets face it, Europe is just recently recovering from a huge financial crisis, daunted by the rise of far right/ultraradical/euroskeptics organizations and parties in many countries, being only Germany (ironically few years ago not really convinced of having the poor Greece in the EU anymore) the leader of the bloc alongside France, meanwhile Russia is standing strong still able of being a reliable though sometimes threatening partner for all these eastern european countries, Moldova as another case of this. Ironically, Moldova is landlocked by the current protests in its eastern neighbor Ukraine, which could give birth to some kind of strikes and protests of the same sort to support or reject whatever political decission moldovan government makes with respect to this issue. Now Moldova is the next battlefield between the Kremlin and Brussels/White House for supremacy in Eurasia.
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